Please note that events are added each week and open for sign-ups on Monday mornings at 8am! 

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Womxn community: Riak Strength Session #1

March 17th, 2021 at 18:30 - 19:30

We are excited to announce a new Womxns Community event: 6 weeks of sessions coached by RIAK, with a block of 3 x strength sessions followed by a block of 3 x turbo sessions. These will take place on Wednesday evenings, starting this week. The strength sessions don’t need any equipment as we will be using items from around the house. We are starting off this awesome program with a strength session. Join this Zoom link for strength sessions:
Please make sure to sign up by getting a ticket! We’ll need to know how many sign ups there are.

Important note: RIAK will be capturing footage of this session to use on social media and/or in marketing or other materials. By participating in this session you consent to being recorded and/or photographed. 

A bit of information put together by RIAK about these strength sessions:

Strength sessions

The goal with these sessions is to demonstrate why strength training is so important to endurance athletes and how athletes can do extremely high quality training without the need for expensive kit.  In the first session we’ll start with a little intro into what athletes can use around the house to create loading and progress exercises.  We’ll then get cracking with a great home workout just using a rucksack filled with books or similarly weighted items, which will be our main tool for the session.  In the following two sessions we’ll continue to use minimal kit and build on the foundations from the first session. For the second two sessions, if athletes have a miniband that would help immensely, but as we’ll show them in the first session, they can always use an old bike innertube instead!

Our sessions are challenging but not high intensity and suitable for all levels as we always provide alternatives to the more challenging exercises.  The emphasis is always on coaching and performing exercises with correct form.  Our sessions are interactive, so please do bring your questions with you! If you have things you want to ask during the session, we really encourage people to either unmute themselves and ask away or leave questions in the chat box and we’ll pick them up as we go. We are here to coach, so please use us!


March 17th, 2021
18:30 - 19:30





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