Wei, will be holding a Bike Fit Q&A for members of the club. Tune in to learn more about bike fitting and how it may benefit you.
To get the most out of it, this will be an interactive Q&A session to aim and answer your specific questions, so if you have any please send them in advance to events@lftri.co.uk and/or wei@foundation.fit. And in case you are wondering, there is no such thing as a stupid question! If you believe your questions is too basic/stupid then we 100% assure you those are the types of questions people are mostly interested in and the ones that you learn the most from. So don’t be shy, drop us an email and join us for the discussion. Of course, questions will be accepted live during the webinar too.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87511258186?pwd=MUJlS21zT1FWbWc3UDUzamJYeFQ0QT09