Please note that events are added each week and open for sign-ups on Monday mornings at 8am! 

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Track run

December 14th, 2020 at 19:00 - 20:00

| £5

LFTC Monday Night Track Session (formally Tuesday track!) This club session will be a coach-led run session at Finsbury Park Athletics Track, all abilities welcome!

Please sign up online as we need to know who is attending and their details beforehand to pass onto our coaches; please note you will not be able to participate if you have not signed up. Upon arrival please look out for one of our Coaches in club kit. Coaches (and athletes) will be adhering to the most current BTF coaching and training guidelines. Athletes will be required to train in ‘bubbles’ of 5 and should adhere to social distancing government guidelines.

Thank you for your understanding and we will be looking at expanding our sessions further over the next few weeks. All coaches and athletes must adhere to Government guidance on social distancing; please respect others using the track.

Athletes should not attend the session if they feel unwell or have any Covid-19 symptoms- should any athlete develop any symptoms following a session, they must notify

Should for any reason after booking a session you cannot attend, please let the club know so we can give your place to someone else and when booking, please can all attendees ensure that their ICE information on the LFTC website login is up to date.

Ticket covers Track Entry. Other facilities may or may not be accessible on the day and is subject to venue management. Please note that the track is flood lit, however if cycling through the park, ensure you have appropriate lighting and for safety reasons it is suggested you leave in pairs.


December 14th, 2020
19:00 - 20:00
Event Categories:


Finsbury Park Athletics Track
Finsbury Park, Harringay, London, N42NQ United Kingdom


London Fields Triathlon Club

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