Senior Race Briefing
Thank you for entering the London Fields Aquathlon! London Fields Triathlon Club would like to welcome you to the event. The events team have worked hard to organise the event and we hope you enjoy the race.
Please read ALL of this race information very carefully. We have done all that we possibly can to ensure that everyone has an enjoyable and safe event. Your help in following these guidelines would be greatly appreciated.
Please note the times indicated below may be subject to change.
Provisional start times
Please check your start time here.
Directions to London Fields Lido
London Fields Lido is situated in the North East corner of London Fields and can be accessed either through London Fields or from London Fields West Side off Richmond Road. The address is London Fields Lido, London Fields, E8 3EU. For more information and public transport options for getting to the lido please visit Please be aware there is a planned rail strike on Saturday. There is very limited free parking around London Fields on Saturday.
Race Registration 7:00am-7:35am
Race registration will take place in front of the London Fields Lido. Please give yourself plenty of time to register and set up your transition area in order to make the cut off time. If your swim time is earlier – please arrive to registration at the earlier end!
At registration you will be issued with your race number. This MUST BE shown on your front during the run section of the event. It is preferable to wear a race belt. If not the number can be safety pinned to the front of a t-shirt or vest that can be put on in transition. Pins will be supplied on the day if necessary. Your race number will also be written on your left arm for the swim section of the race. Please advise at registration if you are allergic to the pen. Please note that swim hats will not be provided but you are free to wear your own.
Changing facilities will be available at the Lido and lockers are available for valuables. The lockers take £1 coins (which is returned).
Race Briefing 7:45am
There will be a race briefing taking place in front of the registration area. Attendance is compulsory. The briefing will inform you of any last minute route changes and safety points. If you have any questions or queries on race day, please ask the check in desk or at the briefing. The first swimmers should proceed straight from the race briefing to poolside.
Race Start 8:05am
The swim start will be staggered with swimmers going off in timed intervals based on estimated start times submitted by entrants before the race. Entrants should queue at the side of the pool in number order at least 10 minutes before their start time so that they are ready to enter the pool at their given time. A marshal will be on hand for assistance. The first swimmers should proceed straight from the race briefing to poolside.
The Swim
400m (8 lengths)
There are four lanes and the pool is 50m long. Swimmers will start in lane one (as indicated by the marshal on the day) and swim up one side of the lane and back down the other. They will then duck under the lane rope into lane two, and so on. After 400m (8 lengths) they will leave the pool and head into transition. Tumble turns are permitted, however care must be exercised at all times.
Swim start times are based on the estimated times submitted by competitors with 15 second intervals. Occasionally people under or over estimate their time and therefore overtaking is required. If you wish to overtake the person in front please tap their feet (once only) and overtake at the end of the length. If you are tapped on the feet by a faster swimmer please let them through at the end of your length.
There is NO RUNNING IN THE POOL AREA OR TRANSITION — once out of the pool competitors must walk to the transition area. Anyone competitor who runs in the pool area may be given a time penalty.
Transition Area
You will be required to set up your transition area prior to the event starting with only the items you require for the race and bags left to the side of transition (against the lido wall). The transition area will be open from 7.00am and will close at 7.55am. The transition area will be situated on the grass area adjacent to the exit of the Lido. You are not allow to run in the transition area. The beginning of transition is marked with a “Transition In” sign and you can run once you exit transition by crossing the timing mat.
Transition will reopen for collection of belongings after the last participant has completed the swim and started the run.
The Run
5km run (5 laps)
The run course is around London Fields as shown on the plan accompanying this note and is 5 laps of the longer 1km course (red line). It is your responsibility to ensure you do the correct number of laps.
There will (subject to availability by our timing provider) be a timing mat to record the time of each lap undertaken.
Please ensure you stay alert to pedestrians, cyclists and dogs that may be in the park during the event. Please inform a marshal if you fail to complete the run section of the event. We want to ensure all competitors return safely. The run route has a mixture of pavement, path and grass sections. Please wear appropriate footwear and clothing to match weather conditions on the day and be alert to uneven ground, tree roots and park furniture around the course.
Race Numbers
Race Numbers must be worn on the front during the run at all times. Numbers must be pinned at all four corners or attached securely with a race belt. If for any reason your race number becomes detached and or lost during the race, then please notify a marshal after crossing the finish line.
What You Need
For some people this may be your first Aquathlon. There are certain items that you will need; a swimming costume or Tri Suit, swim goggles, trainers for the running section, a race belt or t-shirt or vest with your race number attached to the front. Safety pins will be available on the day. All other extras such as elastic laces, specific triathlon clothing, are not a necessity but will help. A wet suit is not needed as the pool is heated.
Please come appropriately attired and note the early morning in October may be quite cool and you may wish to have extra clothing to put on in transition for the run following your pool swim. The ground surface of the lido area may also be cold, so you may wish to bring an old pair of shoes or flip flops/sandals with you to wear while you wait when your running shoes will be in transition.
Please also bring your own water bottle, a water fountain is available outside the pool
Race Rules
The event will be held under the rules of the British Triathlon Federation. All competitors are required to be insured by third party civil liability insurance — BTF Members are insured as part of their membership package, and all other competitors will be required to purchase a Day Licence from the BTF (included in race entry fee). If you require further information about Race Rules, please visit
Medical Cover
The safety of our competitors is paramount. On the day there will be a team of medics. If before, during or after the event you feel that you require any type of medical care, please do not hesitate to contact an event marshal or one of the medic teams directly.
In the event of serious injury or accident please contact the nearest marshal immediately. In the event of the race having to be stopped to deal with such an incident please would all competitors gather at the registration area for further instruction.
Medical Conditions
We request that all competitors write their next of kin and contact details on the back of their race numbers using a waterproof pen. If you have any type of medical condition or are taking any type of medication please write a large “MC” on the bottom left of your race number. Please write your medical condition fully on the back of your number also. This will only be used in the event of you being involved in an medical incident.
After the event has finished, there will be a race presentation will be held by the finish line. Prizes will be presented to the first three male and female finishers. All competitors will receive a medal
Race Results
Race results will be published on the London Fields Aquathlon website following the event.
Race Photography
Please note that there may be an event photographer taking photos on the event. We have the right to use images, photographs and video taken by our contracted photographers without informing the participant. These images will only be used for the purposes of promoting, reporting and broadcasting the event, and any other promotion related to the activities of the club.
Any individual who does not wish to have their image used for these purposes must inform us via email prior to 48 hours before the race. Notification closer to, or after the event can be made and we will use our best endeavours to prevent images of that individual being used but cannot guarantee it.
Cancellation by us
London Fields Lido is open all year round no matter the weather, however in the unlikely scenario that we are required to cancel, amend or postpone the event at short notice due to reasons beyond our control, dependent on the costs incurred and the time of the cancellation we may not be able to issue refunds. We therefore reserve the right to retain your entry fee.